How to use Robobet on football?

Today we are going to talk about robotic betting for football and how it can be used by all betting fans. This topic has been tested on our website for a long time and we see the effectiveness of this tool and the number of correct predictions it gives. That is why we got the idea to share this information with our readers, who may be looking for free help in placing a winning bet on big football.

What it is?

If you are not aware of what soccer football is and what it looks like, you should follow this link and get to know it. In short, this is a mathematical analysis of matches, a kind of artificial intelligence that correctly predicts the outcomes of future matches and at the same time shows:

  • who will play with whom and when;
  • what is the final result of the passed matches;
  • own forecast;
  • up-to-date odds for major events.

A very useful tool even for ordinary football fans who like to predict the results of their favorite matches.

What does a robotic bet take into account when calculating its predictions?

In its calculations, the algorithm takes into account:

  • rating and index of teams;
  • all statistics of games played;
  • football news;
  • complete statistics for each team.

With the help of neural networks, a football robot not only shows the likely outcome of the match, but also learns from its mistakes. Artificial intelligence takes into account many factors that can affect the outcome of a match, as well as those mistakes that were made earlier, so every day it develops and gives a more accurate result.

Our observations

Since robobet has been on our website for several years now, we are actively observing it and can summarize some results. According to our calculations, the accuracy of his forecasts is 60-70%. Sometimes it came to an indicator of 80-90%, but if we average it, we would note its efficiency at around 70%. In other words, over a long distance, you can get a profit, and if you rely on the predictions of the algorithm and place not just P1, P2 or a draw, but more thoughtful bets with a minimum percentage of risk, then you can get a good plus.

We would like to note that the football robot bet is just an assistant in the formation of a bet, but not the coveted “loot” button. Think for yourself, analyze, watch football, bet without excitement and with a cool head and you will be happy. We just shared our observations and we find this tool very useful to use when you want to bet on some kind of football game.